Wood Types

Plants with true wood (wood produced from a vascular cambium) have different forms during geologic history

Origin of Wood

Secondary xylem (wood) has evolved several times during geologic history. The following details the independent origins of secondary xylem that are known from the fossil record:

Manoxylic wood

Secondary vascular tissues with large amounts of softer storage cells (i.e. parenchyma) mixed with the wood or xylem cells (e.g. tracheids).

Pycnoxylic wood

Secondary vascular tissues with copious amounts of xylem cells (e.g. tracheids) and little parenchyma. 

Hardwoods versus softwoods

The above terms should not be confused with the terms "hard" versus "soft" woods. These terms are used by agro-foresters to make a distinction between conifer trees (soft wood) and angiosperm trees (hard wood)