Paleo News

Select articles & updates about Paleobotany, Plant Evolution, & Geologic History

Castillo et al. (2024) Predicting rapid adaptation in time from adaptation in space: A 30-year field experiment in marine snails

Nicholson et al. (2024) 3D anatomy of the Cretaceous–Paleogene age Nadir Crater

Wang et al. (2024) Alasemenia, the earliest ovule with three wings and without cupule

Thomas & Catlings (2024) Three-stage formation of cap carbonates after Marinoan snowball glaciation consistent with depositional timescales and geochemistry

Knecht et al. (2024) Early Pennsylvanian Lagerstätte reveals a diverse ecosystem on a subhumid, alluvial fan

Sun et al. (2024) Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction 

O'Connor et al. (2024) Direct evidence of frugivory in the Mesozoic bird Longipteryx contradicts morphological proxies for diet

Stroud et al. (2024) Fluctuating selection maintains distinct species phenotypes in an ecological community in the wild

Peris et al. (2024) The impact of thermogenesis on the origin of insect pollination

Hohmann et al. (2024) Identification of the mode of evolution in incomplete carbonate successions

Mil et al. (2024) Bristlecone Pine Maximum Latewood Density as a Superior Proxy for Millennium-Length Temperature Reconstructions

Bierman et al. (2024) Plant, insect, and fungi fossils under the center of Greenland’s ice sheet are evidence of ice-free times

Dorey et al. (2024) Biotic interactions promote local adaptation to soil in plants

Li et al. (2024) Evolutionary history shapes variation of wood density of tree species across the world

Holstad et al. (2024) Evolvability predicts macroevolution under fluctuating selection

Huang et al. (2024) Near-collapse of the geomagnetic field may have contributed to atmospheric oxygenation and animal radiation in the Ediacaran Period

Coiro et al. (2024) Parallel evolution of angiosperm-like venation in Peltaspermales: a reinvestigation of Furcula

Cohen et al. (2024) Natural soda lakes provide compatible conditions for RNA and membrane function that could have enabled the origin of life

Adaïmé et al. (2024) Deep learning approaches to the phylogenetic placement of extinct pollen morphotypes

Davies et al. (2024) Earth's earliest forest: fossilized trees and vegetation-induced sedimentary structures from the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) Hangman Sandstone Formation, Somerset and Devon, SW England

Pérez-Escobar et al. (2024) The origin and speciation of orchids

 Dutkiewicz et al. (2024) Duration of Sturtian “Snowball Earth” glaciation linked to exceptionally low mid-ocean ridge outgassing

Gastaldo et al. (2024) Enigmatic fossil plants with three-dimensional, arborescent-growth architecture from the earliest Carboniferous of New Brunswick, Canada

Palma-Castro et al. (2023) An Early Cretaceous Sphenophyllum or a hatchling turtle?

Cavalazzi et al. (2021) Cellular remains in a ~3.42-billion-year-old subseafloor hydrothermal environment

Silvestro et al. (2021) Fossil data support a pre-Cretaceous origin of flowering plants

Donovan et al. (2020) Persistent biotic interactions of a Gondwanan conifer from Cretaceous Patagonia to modern Malesia.

Rosetto-Harris et al. (2020) Eocene Araucaria Sect. Eutacta from Patagonia and floristic turnover during the initial isolation of South America