
Lycophytes with early leaf-like structures

The Drepanophytes (Order Drepanophycales) are the most ancestral clubmosses, living during the Late Silurian and Devonian, and represent some of the earliest land plants to possess leaves. Baragwanathia †, from the Late SIlurian, was one of the earliest plants with leaves (microphylls). Some members, such as Asteroxylon, had leaf-like appendages, which appear transitional between microphylls and prickle-like enations.

Ecology & Form

  • Herbaceous plants growing in wetland environments



    • Upright stems with isotomous & anisotomous branching; probably determinate shoots

    • Small lateral buds on aerial axes

    • Prostrate rhizomes that were presumably indeterminate



  • Long-lived, below-ground root-bearing axes producing large clones that helped the plants survive frequent sediment burial in well-drained soils within a seasonal wet-dry climate zone

  • Asteroxylon possessed both root-bearing axes (rhizomes) and rooting axes (Hetterington et al. 2021)


  • Leaf-like enations in some (e.g. Asteroxylon), microphylls in other taxa (e.g. Drepanophycus)

    • In Asteroxylon, enations, the vascular trace (xylem/phloem) stops at the base of the enation, and does not enter it


  • Reniform (kidney-shaped) sporangia

  • Not associated with a sporophyll as in derived lycopods

  • Not aggregated into cones









Geologic Age


Asteroxylon mackiei

  • Kidston and Lang 1920

  • Early Devonian Rhynie Chert of Scotland

  • Genus name means "star-shaped xylem" for the transverse appearance of the primary xylem

  • Aerial, isotomously and anisotomously branching stems that reached 12 mm in diameter and 40 cm in length.

  • Asteroxylon possessed both root-bearing axes (rhizomes) and rooting axes (Hetterington et al. 2021)

    • The rooting axis was a transitional lycophyte organ between the rootless ancestral state and true roots

    • The rooting axis developed from root-bearing axes by anisotomous dichotomy

    • The rooting axes are similar to roots of extant lycopsids, but they lack root hairs and their meristems lack a root cap

    • The roots of extant lycopsids originate endogenously from shoots, rhizophores

  • The rhizomes reached a depth of up to 20 cm below the surface.

  • The tracheids are G-type

  • Leaf-like helical appendages (enations) up to 5 mm long; sometimes appear whorled

    • Enations, with a vascular trace (xylem/phloem) that stops at the base of the structure, and does not enter it, therefore, they lack true microphyllous leaves.

    • Enations and axes bore stomata, indicating that their tissues were capable of photosynthesis


Above: Reconstruction of Asteroxylon mackiei

Above: Reconstruction of Asteroxylon mackiei (Hetherington et al. 2021)

Left: Cladogram of lycophytes with rooting systems features mapped on (Hetherington et al. 2021)


  • Late Silurian - Early Devonian of Australia, Canada, China and Czechia

  • One of the earliest plants with leaves (microphylls)

B. abitibiensis † (Hueber 1983)

B. longifolia † (Lang & Cookson 1935)

B. sp. † (Hao & Gensel)



  • Lochkovian - Emsian

  • Göppert 1852

  • Isotomously or anisotomously branching stems with exarch actinostele

  • Microphylls are persistent, falcate, arranged in irregular to regular helix, with broad subtriangular bases

  • Roots adventitious from rhizomes

  • Sporangia cauline, stalked, dehiscent

  • D. crepini † (Stockmans 1940)

  • D. devonicus (Weyland and Berendt 1968; Schweitzer and Giesen 1980)

  • D. gaspianus † (Dawson; Kräusel & Weyland)

  • D. qujingensis † (Li & Edwards 1995)

    • Lower Devonian of Yunnan Province, China

  • D. spinosus (Krejči 1880; Kräusel and Weyland)

  • D. spinaeformis † (Göppert 1852; Li, Hueber, and Hotton 2000): Scotland, Russia, China and Egypt


Above: Reconstruction of Drepanophycus

Hestia eremosa

  • Bateman et al. 2007

  • Lower Carboniferous (Tournasian) from Oxroad Bay, East Lothian, Scotland

  • Axes of apparently herbaceous lycopsid, up to 5 mm in diameter.

  • Stele ranging from 40% of axial diameter in small axes to 20% in larger axes, radial, exarch, stellate

    • 7–10 rounded lobes separated by moderate to deep troughs, each lobe expanding slightly to strongly radially before terminating in a single protoxylem strand

    • Metaxylem tracheids of broadly similar diameter except where approaching the protoxylem strands, 20–35 μm in diameter, scalariform pits partly infilled with perforated sheets;

    • Protoxylem tracheids are also scalariform but lacking perforated sheets, 5–12 μm in diameter

    • Dense inner cortex more or less contacts protoxylem strands, separated by narrow cylindrical void from wider (17–23% of axial diameter) outer cortex

  • Small, tangentially expanded leaf traces of ca 15 narrow tracheids emitted in alternating helices, probably penetrating microphyllous leaves

Above: Stem cross-sections of Hestia eremosa (from Plate I, Bateman et al. 2007)

Kaulangiophyton akantha

  • Gensel et al. 1969

  • Early Devonian of Maine from the Trout Valley Formation

  • Height axes of several decimeters; axes 5-9 mm diameter with trailing and up-right portions that divided by numerous wide dichotomies or H-branches

  • Sparsely distributed, stout spines of about 2 mm in length

  • Upright axes included occasional fertile zones with stalks, each of which bore a terminal sporangium

  • Gensel et al. claim that this taxon is similar to Asteroxylon

  • Schweitzer (1980) claimed that this taxon is conspecific with Drepanophycus spinaeformis, but the diagnostic feature of sporangium attachment in Drepanophycus is ambiguous (Gensel and Andrews 1984)


Above: reconstruction of Kaulangiophyton

Sengelia radicans

  • Matsunaga and Tomescu 2017

  • Early Devonian from Wyoming

  • Stems branched by K-branching; simple dichotomous branching sometimes present

  • K-branching produces stems and root-bearing axes

  • Stems with lobed protostele and helical phyllotaxis; leaves vascularized by one vein

  • Sporangia cauline, round to reniform

  • Root-bearing axes leafless or with reduced leaves only on axis base.

  • Roots borne laterally on root-bearing axes, dichotomously branched.

  • Sengelia had a rooting system of downward-growing root-bearing stems, formed dense monotypic mats of prostrate shoots in areas that experienced periodic flooding

  • It was characterized by a life-history strategy adapted for survival after floods, dominated by clonality, and featuring infrequent sexual reproduction.


Above: Reconstruction of Sengelia

Smeadia clevelandensis

Right: The strobilus of Smeadia clevelandensis † (from Chitaley and Li 2004)