Late Jurassic

The Late Jurassic (164–145 Ma) occurs after the Callovian Age (Middle Jurassic), and before the Berriasian Age (Early Cretaceous) of the Mesozoic Era

Geologic Age

  • 163.5–145.0 million years ago


Eon / Era / Period / Epoch

What happened during this time?

  • High sea levels broke supercontinent into a series of large islands, causing regional differences and faunal as well as floral provinces.

  • Pangaea broke up into two supercontinents, Laurasia to the north, and Gondwana to the south.

    • The result of this break-up was the spawning of the Atlantic Ocean. which was relatively narrow.

  • Sea level was high, though not so high as during the Upper Cretaceous. The Laurasian landmass was broken up by the rising sea into large islands.

  • The rocks were carbonate limestones and clays.

  • The epoch included the famous Solnhofen limestone lagerstätte