Priabonian Stage

The Priabonian (37.71–33.9 Ma) is the fourth and last age of the Eocene Epoch, occurring after the Bartonian, and before the Oligocene

Geologic Age

Eon / Era / Period / Epoch

What happened during this time?

Right: One of the largest amber-preserved flowers.

Flower inclusion of Symplocos kowalewskii from late Eocene Baltic amber. (a,b) Overview of the historic preparation of the amber specimen before restauration, showing fissures (b, upper arrowhead) and discoloration. The fractured cover slip had been fixed with tape (b, lower arrowhead). (c) Overview of the amber specimen after extraction from the glass chamber. (d,e) Flower from the upper (d) and lower side (e) after preparation. Note the fused staminate ring on the underside (e, arrowhead). Scale bars 1 cm in (a‒e).

(from Sadowski & Hoffman 2023)